The My Account app on Xfinity X1 and Flex lets you see your account information, manage your upcoming appointments, pay your bill, and more. Read on to learn more about accessing and using the app.
Getting to the Xfinity My Account app
There are a few different ways you can get to the My Account app, including:
From Settings
- Press the Menu button on your remote, then click the gear icon.
- Highlight My Account and press the OK button on your remote.
From the Apps menu
The icon for the Xfinity My Account app appears in the Xfinity section of the Apps menu. Highlight the app tile and press OK on your remote.
Note: The Xfinity section may appear at the bottom of the Apps menu.
Using your Xfinity Voice Remote
Just say "My Account" into your Xfinity Voice Remote to open the My Account app.
Once you've opened the app, you'll be able to see everything you need to know about your account, including Account Details, Billing, Data Usage and Appointment Scheduled.
Note: The Appointment Scheduled tile will only display if you have an appointment scheduled.
The My Account app is unique to you, so these tiles may look different depending on your account. The Billing tile message changes based on the status of your bill: No Payment Due, Balance Due, Past Due, etc.
Read on to see everything you can do with My Account!
See current bill
To see your current bill, simply select Account Details, then Current Bill.
Note: The Current Bill and Billing Details pages also display any approved pending credits to your account.
Schedule payments
If you’ve already scheduled a payment with us, you’ll see your payment listed on the Current Bill page along with an option to Edit Payments.
Note: If you don’t have any payments scheduled you’ll instead see a Make a Payment option.
Select Edit Payments to change the payment date or amount, or to cancel the payment entirely.
Change your mobile or preferred phone number
To update the primary account holder's mobile or preferred phone number on file, select Account Details, then Add/Edit Phone.
In order to update your mobile phone, you'll need to enter the first four characters of your Xfinity password, followed by a six-digit verification code that we'll send you by text. For example, if your password is "Comcast," you should enter 2662 on your remote.
Reset password by text or email
To reset your password, go to Account Details, click Reset Password, then select Text Link or Email Link to start resetting your password. Just follow the on-screen instructions.
If you don't have an email address or mobile number on your account, you can pick Schedule a Call to talk to an agent. You can also reset your Xfinity password at
See internet data usage
If you subscribe to Xfinity Internet, you’ll see the Data Usage tile on the main My Account page. Click on the tile to view your Xfinity Internet data usage from the past three months.
Note: Xfinity Internet data usage displayed isn't shown in real-time and could be delayed up to 24 hours.
Select Got it to go back to the My Account landing screen.
Select Learn more to get more information about your data usage.
See appointments
Select Appointment Scheduled to view information about your upcoming technician appointment. From this page, you can see your appointment date and time, see tips about your appointment, reschedule or cancel your appointment, or check your technician’s estimated time of arrival.
Note: This tile will only appear if you have an appointment scheduled.
Spanish menu
The Xfinity My Account app will be in Spanish if your X1 menu is set to Spanish. For instructions and more details, learn how to set your X1 menu to Spanish.
Password protecting My Account
Initially, My Account is made available to everyone in your household using the Apps or Settings menus. This means that all account information is displayed to anyone using the app on your TV Box. If you want to limit access to My Account information, you can use the X1 Preferences Portal to set up a security PIN for the app. Once set up, you’ll have to enter your Apps PIN in order to access the app on the TV Box.
Note: The Apps PIN is the first four digits of your Xfinity password.
To get to the X1 Preferences Portal:
- Go to
- Log in with your Xfinity ID or email and password.
- Select TV App Settings from the Settings tab.
- Move the slider next to the My Account app to the right to get to and create your PIN.
- You can also turn on the Apps PIN lock from the Parental Controls menu for added security.
- You can also turn on the Apps PIN lock from the Parental Controls menu for added security.
View and activate Xfinity coupons
If you have active coupons, you can view and activate your Xfinity Coupons from the Xfinity My Account app on X1.
Note: If you do not have active coupons, you won’t see this.
To activate a coupon:
- Select Xfinity Coupon.
- You’ll see your available coupons.
- Select Activate Now.
- Select Apply to Purchase or Apply to Bill.
- You'll see a confirmation message.