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Carriage Park Apartments Section I
100 to 600 Chatham Park Drive,304 to 370 Camelot Drive,400 Camelot Court,1335 to 1381 Royal Oak Road
Scott Township, PA 15220
Carriage Park Apartments Section IV
Chatham Park Drive, Carriage Road, Cavendish Place, Hillgate Place, Royal Oak Drive
Scott Township, PA 15220
Greenbriar Village Apartments and Townhouses
1100 to 1620 Green Valley Drive & 101 to 163 Green Valley Court (Office 1701 Green Valley Drive)
Scott Township, PA 15220
Jamestown Condominiums
100-168 Jamestown Ct, 101-105,108-112,172-202 Jamestown Dr, 615-709 Robinwood Dr, 374-396 NewBurn Dr
Scott Township, PA 15216
Kings Grant Condominiums
960-1230 Chatham Park Drive, 920-940 Adam Drive, 920-1020 Margarite Drive, 1030-1050 Eve Drive
Scott Township, PA 15216