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Feature Description
Readable voicemail at no extra cost

Universal caller ID to your home phone, TV, and smartphones3

Not available in all areas. Restrictions apply. TV: Limited Basic service subscription required to receive other levels of service. Not all programming available in all areas. On Demand selections subject to charge indicated at time of purchase. 1. Based on Xfinity's fastest available download speed. 2. Access to Xfinity WiFi hotspots included with Xfinity post-pay Internet. Not available to Xfinity Prepaid only customers. Available in select areas. Requires compatible WiFi-enabled device. Voice: Standard data charges apply. Check with your carrier. Transfers of existing telephone number not always available. Service (including 911/emergency services) may not function after an extended power outage. 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee applies to one month's recurring service charge and standard installation up to $500.
Home: Remote access not available with all smartphones. Installation, any video or other equipment not included in offer, taxes and fees extra. Xfinity Home Licenses: AL: 001484, 001504; AR: 12-030; AZ: ROC 280515, BTR 18287-0; CA: CSLB 974291, ACO 7118; CT: ELC 0189754- C5; DE: FAL-0299, FAC-0293, SSPS 11-123; FL: EF0000921, EF20001002, EF0001095; GA: LVU406303, LVU406264, LVU406190; LVU406354; IL: PACA 127-001503; LA: F1691; MA: SS-001968; MD: 107-1776; ME: LM50017039; MI: 3601206217; MN: TS674412; MS: 15018010; NC: 2335-CSA, 29443-SP-FA/LV; NJ: Burglar and Fire Alarm Business Lic. # 34BF00047700; NM: 373379; NY: licensed by the N.Y.S. Department of State 12000305421; OH: LIC# 53-89-1732; OR: CCB 192945; SC: BAC-13497, FAC-13440; TN: ACL 1597, ACL 1604; TX: ACR-1672104,-1818, B16922, B02571; UT: 8226921-6501; VA: 2705145289, DCJS 11-7361; VT: ES-02366; WA: COMCABS892DS; WASHINGTON, DC: ECS 902687, BBL 602512000005; WV: WV049211. Valid 1/1/19. See www.xfinity.com/home-security for current list.
Home: Remote access not available with all smartphones. Installation, any video or other equipment not included in offer, taxes and fees extra. Xfinity Home Licenses: AL: 001484, 001504; AR: 12-030; AZ: ROC 280515, BTR 18287-0; CA: CSLB 974291, ACO 7118; CT: ELC 0189754- C5; DE: FAL-0299, FAC-0293, SSPS 11-123; FL: EF0000921, EF20001002, EF0001095; GA: LVU406303, LVU406264, LVU406190; LVU406354; IL: PACA 127-001503; LA: F1691; MA: SS-001968; MD: 107-1776; ME: LM50017039; MI: 3601206217; MN: TS674412; MS: 15018010; NC: 2335-CSA, 29443-SP-FA/LV; NJ: Burglar and Fire Alarm Business Lic. # 34BF00047700; NM: 373379; NY: licensed by the N.Y.S. Department of State 12000305421; OH: LIC# 53-89-1732; OR: CCB 192945; SC: BAC-13497, FAC-13440; TN: ACL 1597, ACL 1604; TX: ACR-1672104,-1818, B16922, B02571; UT: 8226921-6501; VA: 2705145289, DCJS 11-7361; VT: ES-02366; WA: COMCABS892DS; WASHINGTON, DC: ECS 902687, BBL 602512000005; WV: WV049211. Valid 1/1/19. See www.xfinity.com/home-security for current list.