
Kwikset SmartCode™

Connect smart locks to Xfinity Home Security, and control them from anywhere.

See Kwikset in action

Forgot to lock up? Don't panic. Need to let someone in while you're out? No worries. Upgrade your door today, and unlock an easier tomorrow.

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XH App Kwikset

Kwikset and Xfinity, smarter together

Kwikset SmartCode Locks make your home smarter and safer for your family. Remotely lock or unlock your doors with the Xfinity Home app. And don’t stress if you forgot your keys or need to let someone in while you’re at work or on vacation.

XH Automation Kwikset

Easy automation with the Xfinity Home app

Experience smarter security. Set rules to get real-time notifications when doors are locked or unlocked. And feel safe knowing when people are coming and going, even when you’re away.

Check out all the smart devices that work with Xfinity Home Security

Ready to get started?

Get Xfinity Home Security