Xfinity customers who have both Xfinity Voice and Xfinity Internet or Xfinity Voice only can elect to receive transcripts of their voicemail via email using our readable voicemail feature. The readable voicemail feature converts your voicemail to text using automated speech recognition.
This feature is particularly helpful for those customers who may be deaf, hard of hearing or have a hearing disability.
- The voicemail transcript will be emailed to you along with the voicemail attachment.
- Typical voicemails are transcribed and sent to you in under a minute.
- For very long messages or in areas with poor network coverage, it may take a bit longer.
- The maximum length of a readable voicemail transcription is three minutes.
- You can send the text versions of your voicemails to any email address.
- Sometimes you may receive a voicemail where the caller hangs up without leaving a message.
- In other cases, callers inadvertently try to reach you (a.k.a. "pocket dialing") and all you hear in the voicemail is faint background noise.
- In these instances, we will send you the notification, but will not provide a transcript.
- Deleting the email transcript does not delete the voicemail on the server.
- In fact, you may want to log in to voicemail once in a while to clean up your voicemail box.
- This feature is configured through the Xfinity Voice website.
- Xfinity Voice transcriptions are created by software and are not error-free.
- Accuracy is affected by background noise, multiple people speaking at once, call quality, accented speech, and unfamiliar words or slang.
Enable or disable readable voicemail in Xfinity Voice
- Sign in to Xfinity Voice using your Xfinity ID and password.
- Click the Settings icon
in the upper-right corner of the page and select Settings.
- Select Voicemail Notifications from the options on the left-hand side. From here, you can:
- Select an email address at which to be notified when a voicemail is received.
- Enable transcripts of your voicemail to be viewed in the Voice tab.
- Receive a copy of the readable voicemail text in your email.
Note: All of your preferences will be automatically saved.
To turn off the readable voicemail feature simply uncheck the Enable voicemail transcription box. Your selections will automatically be saved when you make them.
Access readable voicemail
- Sign in to Xfinity Voice using your Xfinity ID and password.
- On the left navigation bar, select Voicemail.
- Click on the call to read your voicemail transcript on the right side of the screen.
Download your voicemail
- Sign in to Xfinity Voice using your Xfinity ID and password.
- On the left navigation bar, select Voicemail.
- Click the Options icon on the right for the voicemails you want to download:
- Select Download Voicemail in the drop-down box.
- You’ll see the file download at the bottom left side of your screen.
- You can access the file in your download folder or chose to save it in another location.