Follow these tips and tools to help provide a safe and secure Internet experience for your children.
Doing your part
Our children rely on the Internet more than ever for communication, schoolwork, and socialization. While the Internet can be a powerful and effective tool for children, it's important to remember that with any technology comes risk. These risks can range from low to high, and vary between online bullying, child exploitation and predation. We're committed to providing a safe and secure Internet experience and have devised a number of tips and tools to help protect children while online.
- Communication: Talk to your children about their online experiences so they're more likely to share uncomfortable situations.
- Private information: Children may not understand the significance of sharing their personal information on the Internet. Help your children understand that some information (i.e., their address, phone number, school, etc.) is private and should not be shared on the Internet.
- Family contract: Avoid confusion and establish clear rules surrounding Internet communication. A family contract is a useful tool to establish rules regarding information that cannot be shared online, the level of permission required before meeting someone in person, and other important information.
- Location: Keep the home computers located in a central area of the house and never in a private location (i.e., the child's room). The public presence of the computer and your close proximity will serve as a continual obstacle to strangers.
- Chat rooms: Advise your child to always remain in public areas of chat rooms. Often times, chat rooms have "private" areas where chat monitors have limited ability to log conversations.