Identify and stop unwanted calls with Xfinity Voice Spam Blocker, so you only talk to the people who matter. Control is put into your hands as you choose which types of calls you want to block and which to send to voicemail, helping put an end to the nuisance calls in your life.
Spam Blocker now includes a Spam call filtering tool utilizing an Audio CAPTCHA gateway. This gateway prompts inbound callers identified as a Low Spam Risk with a two-digit code that they must enter on a touchtone phone before their call is allowed to connect to the recipient.
Spam Blocker’s default settings will treat suspected spam calls in the following manner:
- High Spam Risk — Calls will be blocked.
- Blocked calls won't be ability to leave a voicemail.
- Medium Spam Risk — Calls will be sent to voicemail.
- Calls sent to voicemail won't ring.
- Low Spam Risk — Calls will be filtered by an Audio CAPTCHA gateway.
- Calls that pass CAPTCHA will ring and a risk label will be displayed con caller-ID.
- Calls that fail CAPTCHA won’t ring and will be redirected to voicemail.
You can manage these settings at any time. Regardless of risk level, all calls will appear in call history with risk labels.
Note: Calls that would be sent to voicemail will be allowed for customers who don’t have voicemail on their account.
Manage Spam Blocker settings
- Sign in to Xfinity Voice using your Xfinity ID and password.
- Click the Settings (wheel)
icon in the upper-right corner and select Settings to see your voice preferences.
- Select Call Blocking.
- Adjust Spam Blocker settings accordingly.
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