Ensure your voicemail security by updating your voicemail PIN, which serves as a password. You can change it by phone or online — anytime, day or night.
Additionally, if you're ever locked out of your account's voicemail, you can also use these options to change your PIN and regain access.
The PIN:
- Must be between four and six digits long (soon to be expanded to 15 digits).
- Must differ from the last four digits of your phone number.
- Can' be a single repeated digit (e.g, 11111, 22222, etc.).
- Can't be sequential (e.g., 1234, 5678, etc.).
Note: If you don't want to change your voicemail PIN, your account will be unlocked after 30 minutes.
Change your voicemail PIN online
- Log in to customer.xfinity.com/settings/xid/security/view-voice-pin.
- You may be asked to sign in using your Xfinity ID and password.
- Click Change PIN.
- Confirm your existing PIN, then enter a new voicemail PIN.
- Click Update PIN to save your new PIN.
Change your voicemail PIN over the phone
- Dial *99 or your Xfinity Voice number.
- Enter your passcode when prompted.
- If you're accessing your voicemail for the first time, you'll be prompted to create a password and record a personalized greeting.
- Press 4 for personal options.
- Press 2 for administrative options.
- Press 1 for password change.
- Follow the remaining instructions to change your PIN.
If you've forgotten your primary Xfinity ID and password and/or your voicemail PIN, and you are having trouble using your secret question to retrieve your login information, or if you only have Xfinity Voice, chat with us for help.