Learn how to manage your Xfinity Voice, including viewing, downloading, or printing your call history using the Xfinity Voice portal.
Note: The Address Book feature on the Xfinity Voice portal, which syncs with your Xfinity Email contacts for Caller ID management, will be retired on April 10, 2025. After this date, your Caller ID will no longer display saved contacts on the web portal. However, you will still see the calling number when viewing your call history.
View your call history
- Sign in to Xfinity Voice using your Xfinity ID and password.
- Click Call History.
- The type of call (MISSED, PLACED, ANSWERED, or BLOCKED) will show below the calling number.
- Use the Filter By menu (top right of the page) to view the list by call type.
- Use the Actions menu and select Print to print your call history.
Note: Due to legal requirements, we can't remove items from your Call History. Your call history will be available in Xfinity Voice for 90 days and then automatically deleted.
Download your call history
- Sign in to Xfinity Voice using your Xfinity ID and password.
- Click Call History.
- Use the Filter By menu (top right of the page) if you want to download by call type.
- Click on Actions and select Download Call History.
- The last 90 days of your call history will be downloaded to your device in CSV format.
- CSV files can be opened in:
- Microsoft Excel.
- Google Sheets.
- Libre Office Calc (an open-source program).
- CSV files can be opened in:
- The CSV file contains the following information:
- Date, time, and duration of each call.
- Phone number of the caller and the recipient's phone number.
- Caller ID information (if available), such as the caller's name and location.
- Spam risk level of the call (low, medium, or high) and whether the call came from a verified phone number.
- Note: A verified phone number doesn’t guarantee that a call isn't spam. It only means the Caller ID data and telephone number are real.
- Note: A verified phone number doesn’t guarantee that a call isn't spam. It only means the Caller ID data and telephone number are real.
- The last 90 days of your call history will be downloaded to your device in CSV format.
The Xfinity Voice portal doesn’t contain any billing information, such as international call charges. For more information on your Xfinity Voice plan or billing details, check your Xfinity account.
Hiding call history
Hiding a single call in history
- Sign in to Xfinity Voice using your Xfinity ID and password.
- Click Call History.
- Select Options next to the call record you wish to hide.
- Select Hide Call from the drop-down menu.
- Select Hide Calls on the pop-up warning to confirm this action. You also have the option to cancel this action by selecting Close.
Hiding all call history
- Sign in to Xfinity Voice using your Xfinity ID and password.
- Click Call History.
- Select Actions.
- Select Hide All Calls from the drop-down menu.
- Select Hide All Calls on the pop-up warning to confirm this action. You also have the option to cancel this action by selecting Close.
- This feature doesn't delete the call record from your account. It only hides it on the Xfinity Voice portal.
- The call record will still appear on your monthly Xfinity Voice bill.
- Once a call is hidden on the Xfinity Voice portal, it can't be displayed again.
Request blocked call history
If you can't access Xfinity Voice and need a record of calls blocked by Xfinity, call us at 1-800-XFINITY.
- We will complete your request in three days.
- We can only provide 28 days of blocked call records.
Call record information
You can access itemized voice charges in the Home Phone section of xfinity.com:
- Sign in to xfinity.com using your Xfinity ID and password.
- Click on the Home Phone tab at the top of the page.
- Click View call log under Your call records.
If you see a call you didn't make:
- If the call was a direct-dial, local or domestic long-distance call and you have an Xfinity Voice package with an unlimited calling plan, don't worry — you won't be charged.
- If the call was an international call, check if anyone in your household made the call.
- If no one in your household made the call, contact us to discuss any appropriate billing adjustments.
- If no one in your household made the call, contact us to discuss any appropriate billing adjustments.
Note: If you have signed up for Nomorobo, you won't see any telephone numbers that have been blocked by the service.