Print and file sharing is easy with Comcast home networking.
If you have multiple computers in your home, you can configure a network to share files and printers. Follow these steps below to get set up.
Please note: These instructions are specific to the following routers:
- Netgear CG814v 1&2
- Linksys WCG200v 1&2
- Linksys BEFCMUH4
Get set up
- Double-click the Comcast Home Networking icon on your desktop.
- Select Connect and Share Resources.
- If this is the first time you have used “Connect and Share” on a computer, an automated configuration check will check connectivity and make sure you’re configured properly to share files and printers.
- Select Continue if all areas pass (indicated by a check mark).
- If your computer doesn’t pass the system requirements check, you’ll receive recommendations on how your configuration will need to change. Please make these configuration changes then follow steps 1-3.
- Choose a name for your workgroup. All computers that want to share files/printers will need to share the same workgroup name. (Your workgroup name is a 12 character alphanumeric phrase - this is not case-sensitive.)
- Select a name for your computer. This will help people in your house identify you on the network. (Your user identifier is a 12 character alphanumeric phrase - this is not case-sensitive.)
- Restart your computer. When it restarts the Connect and Share interface will open.