Voicemail can be very important. There are some things you should know about receiving, accessing and saving messages on your Xfinity Mobile device.
Access your voicemail
There are several ways you can access your voicemail.
From Your Own Phone
You can access voicemail by using the phone app on your device or dialing *86.
From Another Phone
- Call your mobile phone number.
- Press # during the voicemail greeting.
- Follow the prompts to enter your password.
- Access and hear your messages.
Maximum number of voicemail messages
With an iPhone, you can save up to 40 messages (per line/device). With an Android device, you can save up to 20 messages (per line/device). Voicemail messages can be a maximum of three minutes long.
After you’ve reached the maximum number of voicemail messages:
- Your phone will show an alert letting you know your mailbox is full.
- Callers will be unable to leave a voicemail.
- Instead, they’ll hear a message that the voicemail mailbox on that line is full.
Delete voicemail messages
Your voicemail messages are not automatically deleted. You are in control of which messages to delete and when.
After you’ve deleted a voicemail message, it remains in your deleted messages folder indefinitely, until you either upgrade to a new phone or deactivate your current phone. When that happens, your voicemail mailbox is permanently deleted and all messages will be lost.
Save voicemail messages
Before upgrading or deactivating a phone, you should save any voicemail messages you may want to keep another way.
On an iPhone:
- From the voicemail tab, tap on the message you want to save.
- Select the Share icon.
- You can then choose to:
- Add the voicemail to a note.
- Save it as a voice memo.
- Send it to a contact in a text message or email.
- Upload the voicemail message to iCloud.
On an Android Phone:
- From the voicemail app, select the message you want to save.
- From the full-screen view of the voicemail message, select Send to.
- Select how you want to send the message: as an attachment to a text message or by email.
- On some devices, you may be able to save the message to Google Drive.
- You can also save the message as a file on your phone, or externally to a computer or other device.