If you forgot your voicemail PIN or want to change it for any reason, find your device below and follow the steps.
Keep in mind, you do not need your PIN to access messages through the voicemail app on your phone. However, you will need it to be able to call in to listen to your voicemails.
If you don't know your old PIN, give us a call at 888-936-4968. You can also get support by logging in to your Xfinity Mobile account or chatting with us online.
Change your PIN
Apple iPhone devices
Go to Settings > Phone > Change Voicemail Password.
Google Pixel devices
- Go to Settings > Phone > Voicemail > Change PIN.
- Enter your old PIN, then enter your new PIN.
Other Android devices
- Dial *86 from your phone.
- Follow the prompts to change your PIN.
- Note: You'll need to enter your old PIN before you can change it. Follow the steps above if you don’t know your old PIN.