If you’ve decided to cancel your Xfinity services, we want to thank you for your time with us. We know that you may have questions about how to pay your final bill, return your equipment, manage your email and more. See the list of frequently asked questions about canceling your services, below.
If you’re moving to a new address, we can help you transfer your Xfinity services. Just tell us a bit about your move, and we’ll take care of the rest!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I pay my final bill?
Depending on your account details, your final bill may include items not featured on previous billing statements, such as prorates, equipment charges or early termination fees. Otherwise, you can simply pay your bill as you would normally, through our self-service options or by contacting us.
Xfinity Home customers on an Equipment Installment Plan will be required to pay any remaining balance for their equipment when disconnecting services.
How do I return my rental equipment?
Returning your equipment is free and easy! Learn more about returning your equipment.
You may see charges on your final bill for any rental equipment that hasn’t been returned.
What happens to my Xfinity email?
As a former Xfinity customer, you can still use your Comcast.net email address if you logged into your account during the 90 days prior to disconnecting your service. Your email account will remain active as long as you access it at least once every nine months. Learn more about using your Comcast.net email address after disconnecting.
What happens to any TV shows or movies I purchased through Xfinity?
If you disconnect all of your Xfinity services, you can continue to watch purchased titles using Xfinity Stream (xfinity.com/stream) and the Xfinity Stream app. You’ll need your primary Xfinity ID and password to access the Xfinity Stream app. Learn more about On Demand Purchases.
Can I still access Xfinity WiFi Hotspots?
If you’re keeping or adding Xfinity Mobile service, you’ll be able to access any Xfinity WiFi Hotspot. If not, you can still connect to “featured” hotspots, which can be located using our hotspot locator map or the Xfinity WiFi Hotspots app. See our Xfinity WiFi Hotspots Overview for more information.
What to expect if I’m owed a refund?
About four to six weeks after you disconnect your service and return your Xfinity-owned equipment, we'll attempt to refund any remaining credit balance on your account to the last payment method on file.
If we’re not able to process an automatic refund to your last payment method, you’ll get an email on how to claim the refund digitally at xfinityrefunds.com. Visit Claim a refund online to know what to expect.
Don’t worry — if we don’t have an email address for you or you don’t act on the email within 15 calendar days, you’ll receive a physical prepaid card in the mail in seven to 15 business days instead.
This same process also applies if you cancel a pending installation order and have a credit balance on your account.
What if I decide to keep my Xfinity Mobile service?
You’ll see new service fees for unlimited talk and text on your Xfinity Mobile account. When the Xfinity Mobile primary account holder doesn’t have Xfinity Internet, Voice or TV, there's a $25 monthly fee for each Xfinity Mobile line.
What if I changed my mind and would like to restart Xfinity service?
Restarting your Xfinity service is fast and easy – simply browse our offers online or contact us for more information.