This article only applies to customers who have subscribed to Netflix through an X1 TV Box or Xfinity Flex streaming TV Box, also known as Comcast-billed Netflix customers. If you have Netflix included in your X1 package, see Netflix FAQs.
We provide Comcast billing for your Netflix charges as a convenience. Your Netflix subscription charge will appear on your Comcast bill under the Other Service Providers heading and will include the amount of the charge and the date through which you will have service, as determined by Netflix. (Please note, your Netflix subscription may be subject to associated taxes and fees.)
If you are on a trial or promotion, your Netflix subscription will still appear on your statement, but will show a $0.00 charge. At the end of the trial or promotion, the charge will reflect the price of your Netflix subscription package. Please see for a summary of your Netflix account status, plan and charges.
You may change your method of payment from your Comcast bill to a credit or debit card or another payment option accepted by Netflix at any time. To do so, contact Netflix support at Note that Comcast-billed Netflix charges count toward your Xfinity On Demand/Pay Per View purchase limit unless Netflix is included in your Xfinity package.
One common problem to be aware of is accidentally signing up for an additional Netflix subscription on Xfinity Flex or X1 while already having an existing Netflix subscription that is using a different method of payment. If this happens and you would like to cancel your Comcast-billed Netflix account, contact us. To cancel or request credits for any other Netflix accounts, contact Netflix support at
Have a Netflix gift card that you'd like to use to pay your Netflix bill? Visit Netflix gift cards in North America to redeem it. (Applicable to Netflix users billed either through Netflix or Comcast.)