Netflix streams content to Xfinity X1 in SD, HD (720p or better) and Ultra HD 4K (2160p) resolution. To receive HD or 4K streaming of Netflix programming on X1, make sure you sign up for a service plan from Netflix that includes that content. Learn more about Netflix stream plans or you can change your service plan directly with Netflix.
Netflix currently offers three plans (Note: There is no restriction to the number of devices that can be registered to a Netflix account at any time; however the number of screens you can watch at one time is dependent upon your Netflix plan. Each X1 TV box will count as a screen.):
- One screen: Includes the ability to play one stream at a time up to the SD resolution (480p max).
- Two screens + HD: Includes the ability to play up to two concurrent streams up to the HD resolution (1080p max).
- Four screens + Ultra HD: Includes the ability to play up to four concurrent streams up to the UHD 4K resolution (2160p max).
It is important to understand that, like all Internet streaming, the actual resolution of the video Netflix delivers can vary, no matter what your Netflix service plan is. Netflix adjusts the resolution it delivers to achieve the best quality video based on:
- Your plan, as noted above.
- The resolution of the device you are using, if X1 (up to 2160p on the XG1v4 TV box).
- On the XG1v4 TV box, this can be adjusted in the Settings menu on X1.
- Learn about adjusting your video display using X1.
- Cables provided with the XG1v4 are compatible.
- The quality of the end-to-end network connection from Netflix's content servers through the Internet to your home through your Xfinity Internet connection, which in turn delivers the video to X1.
Note: 4K content may not be supported on all HDMI ports on the TV or receiver. The HDMI port on your TV or receiver must be HDCP 2.2 and above in order to stream Ultra HD 4K Netflix content. Please consult your TV or receiver's user manual or your device manufacturer to see if your TV or receiver's HDMI ports support HDCP 2.2 and above.
If the X1 XG1v4 TV box is connected to a HDMI port which is not 4K compatible, you may experience six to eight seconds of black screen or no signal, while the TV box automatically adjusts to the next best resolution available.
If a black screen or no signal lasts longer than 30 seconds, follow these steps:
- On the Xfinity remote, select xfinity-Up-Up-2.
- Enter Control Code 1080 to revert to 1080 resolution.
- Ensure the XG1v4 TV box is connected to a HDMI port on your TV or receiver that is HDCP 2.2 or above.
- Ensure video display on the XG1v4 TV box is set to 2160 resolution.
To learn more about how Netflix determines the video streaming resolution it delivers, see
For more information about optimizing your Xfinity Internet connection, see ways to optimize Internet speed.
Also, it is important to understand that Netflix is delivered over the Internet and therefore is subject to Xfinity Internet data usage policies. Learn more about Netflix app on X1 data usage.