We're making updates to xfinity.com with a more personalized, intuitive and streamlined look and feel, supporting all customer types and providing seamless travel across all channels. This new experience will put you at the center with a series of empowering actions.
The quickest way to access your Xfinity Email is by visiting connect.xfinity.com. You can bookmark this site for easy access in the future.
If you're looking for your Xfinity Email or Xfinity Voicemail on xfinity.com, click the Account icon in the top-right of the screen, then click Check Email or Check Voicemail.
Trying to sign in? Click the Account icon in the top-right corner of the screen, and then click Sign In.
Customer homepage
After logging in to xfinity.com, you’ll find a personalized, customer-focused version of our homepage. You'll see information specifically relevant to you, including ways to learn about your Xfinity products and how to add on more.
Navigation and account icon
Our new navigation and account menu is always just a click away and will follow you throughout your journey on xfinity.com. Click the account icon in the top-right corner of any screen.
From here, you can easily:
- Switch accounts.
- Access billing options.
- Complete account and identity actions.
- Move services to a new address.
- View support pages.
Links to Xfinity Email, Xfinity Voicemail, and Xfinity Stream are also readily accessible. All you have to do is click Check Email from the dropdown to access your Xfinity Email.
Account and identity
Your account as we know it today is evolving from a singular destination into an account icon-based model, accessible from every page on xfinity.com.
By clicking Account and identity from your navigation and account menu, you’ll find easy access to all your account and identity actions and preferences.
On this page, you can:
- Change your phone number, email address, and password.
- Add, change, or manage your chosen name and pronouns.
- Set up two-step verification or manage and link accounts.
- Manage the users on your account.
- View legal agreements and contracts.
- Update communication settings.
Billing management
You’ll no longer have to remember which Xfinity domain to visit to view, manage, or pay your bills.
Once you’re signed in, you’ll find a simplified, singular starting point for all Xfinity billing journeys. We’ll also highlight any important billing-related information.
By selecting bill details, you can:
- View upcoming payments.
- Access your current statement and statement history.
- See your transaction history.
- Modify your bill settings.
- View estimated upcoming charges.
The support page gives you quick access to the Xfinity Assistant and troubleshooting solutions.
Here, you can easily:
- Restart your modem.
- Perform TV troubleshooting.
- Access help and support articles.
- View the status center.
Customer line of business pages
Our line of business pages will now provide personalized help. From the tabs at the top, you can learn about, optimize, and add more Xfinity services.
Sales center evolution
When you visit the sales center, you’ll find simple ways to upgrade services and change or add equipment.