What are the remote function for the Pandora app?
- Play/Pause: Plays or pauses the current track that is on in Now Playing.
- Exit: Closes the overlay and rotates back to the album cover art. If Exit is pressed anywhere in the app, the Exit Confirmation overlay will display.
- Navigation Arrows: Enable navigation throughout the app.
- OK: Selects the highlighted object button.
- Last: Returns to the previous screen.
- Fast-forward: Skips to the next track.
- xfinity: Acts as a close button and accesses the Exit overlay. If you exit, you will see the apps highlighted on the main menu.
How do I search for stations in the Pandora app?
After opening the Pandora app, go to Search and use the on-screen keyboard to search for stations. Or, use your Xfinity Voice Remote to find stations. For example, say "Pandora, play today’s hits."
How do I create a station in the Pandora app?
When you open Pandora for the first time on Xfinity X1, there won't be any previously set stations. To create a new station, use the on-screen keyboard to select an artist, genre, composer or song title. Pick an option from the search results to start playback and add the selected station to My Stations.
How do I delete a station in the Pandora app?
To delete a station in the Pandora app, pick a station for playback. During playback, press OK while the artwork is highlighted, then scroll down and select Delete station. Press OK again and follow the on-screen message to confirm or cancel deletion.
Can I sign in to multiple Pandora accounts on a single X1 TV Box or Flex streaming TV Box?
Only one Pandora account can be accessed on X1 or Flex per household. This Pandora account is accessible from any X1 TV Box or Flex streaming TV Box in your home.
Do I have to log in or sign up to Pandora to use the Pandora app on X1 or Flex?
As a first-time user, you can sample Pandora content without logging in or signing up. From the Pandora home screen, choose any of the popular stations listed. After 15 minutes and the end of your current song, you will be asked to Log in or Sign Up.
Does it cost anything to use the Pandora app on X1 or Flex?
Aside from Xfinity TV and Xfinity Internet charges, there aren't any additional charges for accessing the Pandora app.
Does listening to content on Pandora count against my Xfinity Internet data usage?
Yes. Because content from this app is delivered over your Xfinity Internet service, it's subject to the same rules, terms and conditions that affect Xfinity Internet service, including any data usage plans that may apply.
If you’re enrolled in a Comcast Seasonal Convenience Plan, you can still access Pandora from any other supported device with Internet access.
How do I learn more about Pandora features?
Go to Pandora Help to learn more about Pandora app features.
Why can't I access the Pandora app on my X1 TV Box?
Verify that you have:
- A compatible X1 TV Box (RNG150 devices aren’t supported).
- Xfinity Internet services (any level).
- If you have or don't know if you have an RNG150 device, click on the Pandora app from the X1 apps menu. If necessary, you can then follow the onscreen prompts to exchange your X1 TV Box for a compatible one.
How do I block access to Pandora on X1 or Flex?
There are several ways you can set parental controls for Pandora:
- Block content by selecting Settings > Parental Controls > TV Rating Locks > TV-MA. Once locked, you'll need to enter a Parental Control PIN before you can access the app.
- Block access to the app using an Application Lock.
Note: Once an app is launched, X1 Parental Control settings will not guard against content searches or playback within the app.
What accessibility features are available with Pandora?
Since Pandora is a third-party app, your accessibility settings won't be observed once you open the app.