Please notify Comcast and the relevant authorities if you encounter anything you suspect may be related to child pornography.
What you can do
Child pornography is illegal, and any use of the Xfinity Internet service or the website in conjunction with this material violates the Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Service. If you have encountered photographs or other content online that contains child pornography, please report this to Comcast by taking the following steps, providing as much information as possible:
- Copy the URL (or link) or IP address containing the material to help determine the source of the content.
- Send the URL (or link) and date/time you encountered the material along with the nature of the offending material and any other relevant information to
- Report the issue to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
We will process the request and work with law enforcement authorities as appropriate.
Learn more about parental controls and online child safety.