See how easy it is to set up your Xfinity Voice voicemail.
Note: You can also see the full list of voicemail menu options for Xfinity Voice.
Initial voicemail setup
For the initial setup of voicemail, follow the appropriate steps.
- The setup call needs to be made from your home phone.
- Dial *99 or enter the Xfinity Voice number.
- Follow the recorded prompts to create a password and record a personalized greeting.
Note: If you receive a message that says, "You must do your initial setup from your home phone. Please hang up and dial from your home phone," you may have per line blocking enabled for your service. To correct this, dial *82, then your 10-digit Xfinity Voice number and continue setting up your voicemail as normal.
Set up Skip PIN
If you don't want to be asked for your password each time you check your voicemail from home (by dialing *99 or your home telephone number), you can turn on the Skip PIN function. Turning on Skip PIN allows you to skip this step in the future.
Note: If you activate this feature, anyone in your home will be able to access your voicemail messages.
If you want to turn on Skip PIN by phone, here's how:
- Access the voicemail system.
- From the main menu, press 4 for personal options.
- Press 2 for administrative options.
- Press 1 to open the administrative options.
- Press 5 for Skip PIN.
- Press 1 to turn on the Skip PIN feature.
- If you have Skip PIN on and want to turn it off, you can press 2 instead.
- The system will verify the new Skip PIN status.
Exceeding your voicemail storage capacity
When your voice mailbox is full, your callers will hear the following message: "Sorry, the mailbox is full. You cannot leave a message for this user." You won't be able to receive any new messages until you delete some of your messages.
Note: Each voicemail message can be up to three minutes long. Your entire voice mailbox can store up to 85 minutes of messages. There's no limit on how long your voicemail messages will remain available.
When you're close to reaching voicemail storage capacity, you'll receive an auto-generated email as well as a voice message when accessing your voicemail box, saying your Xfinity Voice mailbox is almost full and how to fix it.
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