When there's a problem while you're watching Xfinity On Demand, you may get an error code and a brief message describing the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please see the list below for the most common On Demand error codes and possible troubleshooting steps you can take for resolving them. If you’re an Xfinity X1 customer, you can use the Ask Xfinity search bar at the top of this page to look up the specific error code you received.
In addition, if you are signed into your account, you can use the TV Support Tool to troubleshoot and refresh your Xfinity TV service in just a few steps.
Most common Xfinity On Demand error codes
Error code | Error message |
CL-13 CL-0x000d CL-0x0011 CMOD-4 CMOD-8 CMOD-54001 CMOD-54002 CMOD-0x0004 CMOD-0x0008 CMOD-0xD2F1 CMOD-0xD2F2 ERR-6 SRM-20 SRM-24 SRM-0017 SRM-8012 SRM-8017 SRM-9001 SRM-0x0020 SRM-0x000c SRM-0x8012 SRM-0x9001 | We're sorry, but we are experiencing an issue at the moment. Please try your selection again in a few minutes or try a different one. For more information and further assistance, please visit xfinity.com/help. Error code (****) Please try the troubleshooting steps above to resolve the issue. If they do not resolve the issue, please contact us. |
Error code | Error message |
CMOD-0x0007 ERR-7 SRM-8 SRM-65532 SRM-0x0008 SRM0xfffc VM-255 VM-0x00ff | We’re sorry you are having difficulty with this selection. Please try again. If the problem continues, please unplug your box for one minute and plug it back in. Visit xfinity.com/help for more information and further assistance. Error code (****) Please try the troubleshooting steps above to resolve the issue. If they do not resolve the issue, please contact us. |
Error code | Error message |
ERR-36895 ERR-36896 SRM-0x901F SRM-0x9020 | A subscription for this channel is required to view this program. For ordering information, visit xfinity.com/help. We apologize for any inconvenience. Error code (****) Please contact us to add this package to your Comcast subscription. |
Error code | Error message |
CL-7 CL-0x0007 ERR-0 | We’re sorry you are having difficulty with this selection. Please try again. If the problem continues, please unplug your box for one minute and plug it back in. Visit xfinity.com/help for more information and further assistance. Error code (****) Please try the troubleshooting steps above to resolve the issue. If they do not resolve the issue, please contact us. |
Error code | Error message |
CL-14 CL-0x000e SRM-8001 SRM-0x8001 | We’re sorry you are having difficulty. Please retry your selection. You may also try tightening your cable connections. If the problem persists, please unplug your box for one minute. Visit xfinity.com/help for further assistance. Error code (****) Please try the troubleshooting steps above to resolve the issue. If they do not resolve the issue, please contact us. |
If the error code you received is not listed above or if these troubleshooting steps don't fix the problem, you can contact us at any time.
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