When viewing Xfinity X1 and Xfinity Flex entity pages, you can review both the Common Sense Media score as well as a Parental Guide to more accurately determine if a program is age-appropriate for a child.
Common Sense Media score
The Common Sense Media age-appropriateness score appears on the right side of program entity screens. The score can also be found when browsing the Kids Guide view.
Parental Guide
Select Parental Guide from the action bar to see more details regarding a program's rating.
Diverse Representations rating and FAQs
The Diverse Representations rating assesses whether communities that have been traditionally marginalized in mainstream media have positive, well-rounded roles in the title being reviewed. This can refer to gender, race/ethnicity, disability, sexuality, religion, age, body size, nontraditional family units and socioeconomic levels. All newly published Common Sense Media reviews of movies and TV shows on Xfinity X1 and Xfinity Flex now include the "Diverse Representations" rating. In addition, older titles are being updated on an ongoing basis.
What do the ratings/scores mean?
- 5 Dots: This media centers characters from underrepresented communities in primary and well-rounded roles.
- 4 Dots: This media strongly features characters from underrepresented communities. Their roles are important and well rounded.
- 3 Dots: This media features characters from underrepresented communities. Their roles are important but may be one-dimensional or rely on cliches (e.g., a strong woman who emotionally supports a male lead; a smart but nerdy Asian character).
- 2 Dots: This media occasionally shows characters from underrepresented communities. Their roles are supporting or minor, they are likely one-dimensional, and/or some cliches may be present.
- 1 Dot: This media occasionally shows characters from underrepresented communities. Their roles are minor, they are one-dimensional, and/or stereotypes or tokenization may be present.
- Flagged for Concern: This media includes negative or harmful stereotypes. Very few or no well-rounded characters from underrepresented communities.
- N/A: This media does not include any diverse representations (e.g., a nature documentary; anthropomorphic cartoons that are not coded by gender or race/ethnicity).
Who reviewed this content?
All content is reviewed by Common Sense Media's network of experienced reviewers, who come from every corner of the media, academic and parenting worlds and are trained in Common Sense Media's research-backed childhood development rubric. All have participated in trainings on the subjects of implicit bias, inclusive writing, and diversity, equity, and inclusion principles.
Where can I go for more information about Common Sense Media's Diverse Representations rating?
You can visit their website at commonsensemedia.org.