FAQs about the download feature of the X1 Cloud DVR.
Note: X1 Cloud DVR is available only to a limited number of customers in select Comcast areas at this time.
How do I download a recorded program to my mobile device?
Using the Xfinity Stream app, browse your list of completed recordings on the Recordings tab. Select the Download option when looking at the Episode Detail. All downloaded recordings will be shown on the Downloads tab.
Can I download recorded programs to a computer?
At this time, we only offer the ability to download recordings using the Xfinity Stream app.
How many devices can I download recorded programs to with the X1 Cloud DVR and the Xfinity Stream app?
Up to five devices can be authorized for downloading of DVR recordings for offline viewing.
What is the maximum number of downloaded recordings allowed?
The maximum number of downloads is six, provided your device has sufficient available memory space. You cannot record more shows simultaneously, even if you have more than one X1 DVR.
Can I download the same DVR recording to multiple devices?
Once a recording has been downloaded to a device, that recording has been "checked-out." Only that device can view/play back that recording. You must "return" the recording to your DVR library to access it on your TV and other devices.
Can I see on other devices that a recording is checked out to a specific device?
Yes, the Xfinity Stream app indicates which recordings have been downloaded to another device.
Can I download an in-progress recording to my mobile device in my home?
Only completed recordings can be downloaded to a device for offline viewing.
What channels are available for download with the X1 Cloud DVR?
This feature includes all linear channels on your lineup except for Pay Per View, Music Choice or Adult channels.
What happens if the download of a recording fails for any reason?
The recording will be automatically returned so that it is available to other devices.
How do I return a DVR recording?
Using the Xfinity Stream app, browse your list of completed recordings on the Downloads tab. To check in the recording, select the Return option in the Episode Details. You can be connected to any WiFi or mobile connection (inside or outside of the home) to complete the check-in process to allow the recording to be watched or downloaded to another device.
What happens when I return a recording?
The recording is removed from the device and is then available for playback on your TVs and all registered devices. If the program was partially watched while it was downloaded, the resume point from the recording will be used as the new common resume point.
How many days can a downloaded recording be stored on a device?
Upon download, a recording is available for offline playback for 30 days.
Why were my downloaded recordings automatically returned?
Upon download, a recording is authorized for offline playback for 30 days. If your device and the Xfinity TV app do not connect to a WiFi or mobile network for more than 30 days, the recording automatically will be returned, so that it is available for playback and/or download in the home or on other devices.
What happens if a downloaded recording is deleted from the X1 DVR at home or from another mobile device?
The downloaded recording on the device will remain playable for the remainder of the 30 days, unless you connect your device to a WiFi or mobile network and open the Xfinity Stream app.
What happens to downloaded recordings if I uninstall the Xfinity Stream app from my device?
The system will automatically return all recordings on the device.
How do I return my downloaded recordings if my device stops working or is lost?
Please go to the Manage Authorized Devices page and sign in with your Xfinity ID and password. Select the X1 DVR Downloads tab and remove your device.
Will I be informed when I try to move a recording to my device and there isn't enough device memory?
Yes, an error message will be displayed indicating insufficient memory.
Can I download a recording to a device while the recording is currently being streamed on another device or watched on my TV?
No, the Xfinity Stream app will prevent the download while the program is actively being streamed and will inform you the recording is currently in use.
Will I be informed when I try to download a recording to a device and there are already six (configurable) recordings currently checked out of my “locker” for the corresponding device?
Yes, an error message (error code 12002) will be displayed indicating the device has reached its maximum capacity.
What will I see when I download a recording?
A progress indicator displays in the application so that you know when it is done downloading.
When I download a recording, can I select the Closed Captioning, Secondary Audio, or Audio Description tracks?
Yes, provided a program contains Closed Captioning, Secondary Audio Program (SAP) or Audio Description, all options will be available in the downloaded program.
Can I choose quality level of the recording I want to download so that I can maximize quality or limit the size of the file on my device?
Not at this time.
Is a recording considered checked out if the recording or a portion of the recording has been copied to my device?
Yes. If a download is interrupted and only a portion of it resides on your device, it will be marked as checked out.
Does the system consider a recording to be checked out if the recording is in queue to be downloaded to a device?
Yes. If the download is never initiated for a recording in the download queue, it will remain in a checked-out status until you check it back in (or after the 30-day expiration period elapses).
Can I download a completed recording to my device while I am out of my home?
Yes. Completed DVR recordings can be downloaded to a mobile device via the Xfinity Stream app anywhere, anytime. Mobile data rates may apply.
Will I be alerted when I attempt to download or stream a recording that is currently checked out to another one of my devices?
Yes. You will see the following message:
"Playback Unavailable – This recording has been taken to go on one of your mobile devices. It must be returned to the DVR before you can watch it on your TV."
Additional information
For more X1 Cloud DVR FAQs, see X1 Cloud DVR recording and playback features — FAQs.