TV Locks let you set Parental Controls to lock TV shows and series based on their TV Parental Guideline ratings. Learn how to set up and manage your TV Locks with Xfinity X1.
Note that series episodes don't always have the same rating: an episode of a series may be TV-14 one week and TV-PG the next, for example.
To turn TV Locks on or off, you'll need to set up a Locks PIN first. For details, see how to set up your Locks PIN.
Modify TV Locks
- Press the xfinity button on your remote control.
- Navigate to Settings (the gear icon).
- Select Parental Controls.
- If you've already set up a Parental Controls PIN, you'll be prompted to enter your four-digit Locks PIN.
- Use the down arrow button to highlight TV Ratings Locks. Press OK.
- Highlight the TV rating you want to lock or unlock and press OK.
- You can also specify specific categories of content to lock within the rating you select.
- Press OK to turn the lock on or off.
- Press Exit to go back to standard TV viewing, or press Last to go back to the TV Ratings Lock list and pick another rating to lock or unlock.