Using the Xfinity Home app for Xfinity X1, you can conveniently arm your system directly from your X1 TV Box.
Arm your system
The quickest way to begin arming your system is by saying “Xfinity Home Arm” into your Xfinity Voice Remote and following the on-screen prompts. To set a specific arm setting, you can also say “Xfinity Home Arm” and the arm setting you want (“Night”, “Away”, or “Stay”).
Otherwise, follow the steps below to arm your system.
- Press the xfinity button on your remote.
- Navigate to Apps and select the Xfinity Home app.
- Select security status.
- Press OK on your remote.
- Select an Arm Mode.
- Enter your four-digit security Keypad Code in the Enter keypad code field.
- Once entered, arming will begin. Press OK to continue or select Cancel to stop the arming process.
Note: Exiting the application or turning off your TV Box will not stop the arming process.