Learn how to download cloud-based completed DVR recordings and available Xfinity On Demand content to your Apple or Android device.
Note: Not all recordings are available for download.
What you'll need:
- Xfinity TV service (X1, non-X1 or Xfinity Instant TV) to download available Xfinity On Demand content
- Cloud DVR service along with one of the following services to download completed DVR recordings:
- Xfinity X1
- Xfinity Instant TV
- Xfinity TV with a customer-owned TV Box
- Xfinity On Campus
- Note: Non-X1 TV Boxes without cloud DVR service are not supported.
- Access to the Xfinity Stream app on Apple or Android devices
- An active internet connection
Downloading cloud-based DVR recordings
You can download and watch completed recordings from your cloud DVR service within the U.S. when connected to WiFi or mobile network (data rates may apply).
Up to five mobile devices (up to two on select Xfinity TV packages) can have downloaded recordings. You can have up to 50 downloads on each device.
Only completed recordings can be downloaded to a mobile device. When you download a program to your device, it’s checked out and cannot be viewed on other devices until it is checked back in.
To download a completed recording:
- Open the Xfinity Stream app while connected to any WiFi or mobile network.
- Swipe left to right to open the main navigation.
- Tap Recordings to see all of the recordings stored on your DVR.
- Tap the recording you want to download.
- On the recording details screen, tap Download to start downloading your selected program.
- The recording details screen shows Downloading and a progress bar of the percentage complete.
- When the download is complete, options to Watch or Return the recording appear on the recording details screen.
Congratulations! You can now watch your recordings anywhere you go! No internet connection needed.
Downloading Xfinity On Demand programs
You can download and watch Xfinity On Demand programs within the U.S. when connected to WiFi or a mobile network (data rates may apply).
Up to three mobile devices (up to two on select Xfinity TV packages) can have downloaded Xfinity On Demand programs. You can have up to 50 downloads on each device.
Note: On Demand programs are only available for download from select premium programmers (like STARZ, MGM+, and SHOWTIME) at this time.
To download an Xfinity On Demand program to your mobile device:
- Open the Xfinity Stream app while connected to any WiFi or mobile network.
- Swipe left to right to open the main navigation.
- In the main menu, tap Movies or TV.
- Note: We'll show you how to download an On Demand TV show, but you can download a movie the same way.
- Note: We'll show you how to download an On Demand TV show, but you can download a movie the same way.
- In the upper-left corner of the screen, tap Filter to open the Filters menu.
- Tap Available for Download, then tap Done (on Android devices, tap OK).
- In the filtered programs list, tap the program you want to download.
- After tapping the program you want, find the episode you want to download under Watch Now.
- Tap the three dots icon, then tap Download to begin downloading the selected program. The program image shows a progress indicator while your program is downloading.
Congratulations! You can now watch Xfinity On Demand programs anywhere you go.
Check in downloaded recordings and Xfinity On Demand programs
You can return downloaded recordings and On Demand programs at any time to make room on your device for other downloads or to make a program available for downloading to other devices.
Did You Know? Downloaded cloud-based DVR recordings and On Demand programs are automatically returned to the cloud after 30 days or when you remove a download device from your household account.
- Swipe left to right to open the main menu.
- Tap Downloads. A list of your downloaded programs displays.
- Tap the downloaded program that you want to check in.
- On the download details screen, tap Return.
- In the Return Downloaded Recording pop-up box, tap Yes on Apple devices or Continue on Android devices.
Excellent! The downloaded recording or program has been returned.