Why do programming agreements expire?
Like any contracts, programming agreements exist for a fixed period of time and then expire. Comcast has successfully renegotiated thousands of expiring contracts over the years and rarely experienced an interruption of service.What happens if a distribution agreement can't be reached?
In the next few months, our contracts for the channels listed on the contract renewals site may expire. We expect that we’ll be able to renew these agreements without service interruption and continue carrying the channels now and in the future.
In the event an agreement can't be reached, however, the programmer may no longer permit us to carry them. Loss of broadcast stations listed on our updated contract renewals page would include the loss of the multicast signal(s), if any, associated with the stations.
Why did you create a special website just for contract renewals?
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires that customers be notified at least 30 days in advance of any changes to their programming lineup. We created the contract renewals page to let our customers know 60 days in advance of any program contract expiration, which will be updated to reflect status changes to the listed channels.
For a complete list of channels that may be affected by contract renewals, see the updated contract renewals page.