This article provides instructions on how to watch and download Xfinity On Demand programming through the Xfinity Stream app for Android devices.
Watch and download Xfinity On Demand movies
To watch and download Xfinity On Demand movies:- Go to the menu at the bottom of your screen and select Browse.
- You can search for content using the search bar at the top of this screen, or select one of the color blocked tiles to see collections like Movies, TV, Sports, Kids & Family, etc.
- Tap a movie to display the program's overlay.
- Tap Play to begin the movie, or tap More to display more details about the program.
- If the Watch button is grayed out, the program is only available while connected to your in-home Xfinity network.
- If the movie is available for download, you can tap Download on the Movie Info screen.
- Once downloaded, the movie will appear under the Downloads tile (in My library) for offline viewing.
- Note: Tap Available for Download from the filtered choices in order to better search for movies that are available for download.
- From the Movie Info screen, Tap Upcoming to see future airings of the movie.
Watch and download Xfinity On Demand TV shows
To view Xfinity On Demand TV shows:- Select the TV tile under Browse.
- Tap a TV show to display the program's overlay.
- Tap Play Latest to start the TV show (the most recent show will play), or scroll down to see more episodes under Watch now, Upcoming episodes, and Related shows.
- If the Play Latest button is grayed out, the program is only available while connected to your in-home Xfinity network.
- Under Watch now:
- You'll see all episodes for this show that are available to view On Demand.
- If particular episodes are downloadable, there will be a Download option you can tap after selecting the three dots beside the episode name.
- As a reminder, use the Available for Download search filter to better search for downloadable content.
- You'll see all episodes for this show that are available to view On Demand.
- From the Upcoming screen:
- You may view upcoming live airings of the show.
- You can tap on any of these programs to Record (available for X1 DVR customers only) if desired.
Additional information
- Xfinity On Demand TV shows and movies that are free and/or part of your subscription appear in the Browse tab in the menu at the bottom of the screen.
- TV shows and movies that are not free or included as part of your subscription are not displayed.
- On the TV or Movies pages, most categories/genres have a View All option.
- Once you tap View All, you'll see various sorting options.
- You may tap the sorting options box (which should read Popular by default), to sort titles by A-Z, Most Recent, Critic Score and Audience Score.
- Titles can also be filtered to show:
- Available Out of Home (TV Go)
- High Definition (HD)
- Closed Captioning (CC)
- Secondary Audio (SAP)
- Available for Download
- Titles can be viewed as either a list or as a gallery using the view control options.
- Xfinity On Demand content rented on your X1 TV Box will appear in the Rented tile on the My library page.
- Any content watched for more than two minutes will also appear in the Recently Watched row.