This article lists the steps to configure Windows 10 network settings for Xfinity Internet on your computer. This article also includes the steps to:
- Obtain an Internet Protocol (IP) address automatically (both IPv4 and IPv6)
- Obtain the Domain Name System (DNS) server address automatically
- Verify the IP address is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Enabled
- Clear all the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) addresses
- Set the Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) option to default
Configure settings
Follow these steps to configure Windows 10 network settings on your computer.
- Right-click on Start.
- Select the Network Connections option.
- Double-click on the network connection you are using.
- Click Properties (you must be logged in as Administrator, or you will be prompted to log in).
- Click the Networking tab.
- Select the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) connection item.
- Click Properties.
- Click the Obtain an IP address automatically radio button. Then, click the Obtain DNS server address automatically radio button.
- Click Advanced....
- Click the IP Settings tab to verify that the IP address is DHCP Enabled.
- Click the DNS tab to view all the DNS server addresses and suffixes.
Note: The DNS server addresses field should be empty. If it contains any addresses, remove them. If DNS addresses are listed, continue to step 12. If not, proceed to step 14. - Select the DNS suffixes.
- Click Remove.
- Select the Append primary and connection specific DNS suffixes radio button.
- Place a check mark next to Register this connection's addresses in DNS.
- Click the WINS tab.
Note: If there are WINS addresses, proceed to step 17. If not, proceed to step 19. - Select the WINS addresses.
- Click Remove.
- Click the Default: radio button in the NetBIOS setting section, then click OK.
- Return to the network connection properties window and select the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) connection item.
- Click Properties.
- Click the Obtain an IPv6 address automatically radio button. Then, click the Obtain DNS server address automatically radio button.
- Click Advanced....
- Click the DNS tab to view all the DNS server addresses and suffixes.
Note: The DNS server addresses field should be empty. If it contains any addresses, remove them. If DNS addresses are listed, continue to step 25. If not, proceed to step 27. - Select the DNS suffixes.
- Click Remove.
- Select the Append primary and connection specific DNS suffixes radio button.
- Place a check mark next to Register this connection's addresses in DNS.
- Click the OK button.