If you’re enrolled in our 1.2 Terabytes (TB) Internet Data Usage Plan,* you'll receive an email notification when you’ve used 75% of your data. You’ll also receive emails and text messages when you’ve used 90% and 100% of your data.
If you use more than 1.2 TB in a month, you’ll also receive email notifications and text messages for each additional 50 GB that you use — up to the maximum data overage charge of $100.
If you’re an Xfinity X1 customer, you’ll receive data usage notifications on your TV. You’ll also receive push notifications on your phone through the Xfinity My Account app, if you’ve opted in.
*The 1.2 Terabyte Internet Data Usage Plan does not apply to Internet Essentials, Internet Essentials Partnership Program, Gigabit Pro, xFi Complete, or Unlimited Data Option customers. The Plan also does not apply to Comcast Business accounts, Bulk Internet agreements or Xfinity Prepaid. Currently, the Plan is not applicable in our Northeast markets, including CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, VA, VT, WV, the District of Columbia, and parts of NC and OH.