When you subscribe to our Services, information linked to your account may be used or shared to conduct audience measurement, perform analytics, or deliver personalized advertising. Some of these uses may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” under certain state laws. You can opt out of all the activities described here through a single click or manage them individually by signing in to your account.
We do not sell information that identifies who you are to anyone, including sensitive personal information like race, ethnicity, political affiliation, or philosophical beliefs. Sensitive personal information collected, used, or stored by Comcast is used to support activities like personalized recommendations, marketing and advertising, and security and fraud monitoring. Customers may choose to limit use of this information for marketing, advertising, and new product development at any time.
Like many companies, we use cookies and other common tracking technologies (Cookies) to improve our Services, optimize and analyze your experience on our Services, and serve ads relevant to your interests. You may choose which Cookies to allow and can change your preferences at any time.
Control which Cookies are stored by our websites in your browser and set preferences for how advertisers customize the ads you see on this device.
There may be additional privacy preferences available to you on the equipment and products we provide, including the ability to make choices about uses of your personal information that may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” under certain state laws.
Tell us how you’d like us to communicate with you, e.g., phone, email, etc.
Decide what Xfinity marketing offers you’d like to receive via email and/or text message.
Certain states give their residents a legal right to download, delete, or correct their personal information, but all Xfinity customers can make a request.
Number Lock is free and helps prevent the unauthorized transfer of your number to another device or carrier. When Number Lock is turned on, you are protected from fraud, and bad actors cannot access your account details, move your mobile number to another carrier, receive your calls and texts, or access your personal accounts.
In the unfortunate event that you believe you have been the victim of SIM swap or port-out fraud, you can initiate a claim.